Now - a - days people crave for the tag "ENTREPRENEUR" than being referred as "EMPLOYEES". Frankly speaking, which is better?? Entrepreneurship or Employment. Okayy!! Let's make a discussion about the constraints and variations of both.

For people seeking the exact meaning of entrepreneur is who undertake the risk of starting a new business venture in the intention of making money. Entrepreneurship lies on the process of Launching, Running and Expanding a commercial enterprise. Each and every stage a holds a remarkable change in his/her profile. Initial stage is very crucial as every entrepreneur should focus on satisfying the customer requirements and earning reputation.

That's fine , then what about people who are confused in choosing entrepreneurship and employment ?? This blog is gonna answer you.

Now comparing both, let's make a list and finalize

  • Employment is all about earning money. but Entrepreneurship is generating income , earning reputation and reaching heights. So you choose according to your choice of goal. If you're a person focusing on money, find yourself a best company and work as an employee. If you're a person in the need of money, fame, network and Ownership , then start deciding your company name now!!🔖
  • Employees tend to stay in the comfort zone. They are little feared to take risks and sometimes lazy in investing time. Generally we people thought of losing money when we hear the word "Business". It's all about management and planning. If you're ready to take risk getting out of comfort zone and invest your time, then tell me what's your plan ???😉
  • Employee are ultimately followers as they respond , execute and react to the instructions from their higher officials. Entrepreneurs are always a good leaders with deciding authority as they have the main control in an organization. Having a leadership quality, then go and Lead!!💪

It's not about comparison between the entrepreneurship and employment, Compare your characterization with the qualities and requirements of both domain. Choose Wisely...

If you chose Entrepreneur, Wait for me... I'll speak about in the upcoming blogs...

I chose mine, yours??👻


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